
Class and Object in Swift

  1. Your First Class
  2. Rule to call Constructor
  3. Object Comparison operators

1. Your First Class

Swift is an inherited language from C and Objective-C, it is both a procedural language, both as a object oriented language. Class is a concept of the object-oriented programming language. Class have properties and methods, naturally, method is understood as a function of the class. From class you can create objects.
Swift using the class keyword to declare a class.
Create a resource file Rectangle.swift:
import Foundation 

class Rectangle  { 
    // width property
    var width: Int = 5; 
    // height property
    var height: Int = 10;
    // Default Constructor (No parameter)
    // (Used to create instance).
    init()  {
    // Contructor with 2 parameters.
    // (Used to create instance)
    // self.width refers to the width property of the class
    init (width: Int, height: Int)  {
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
    // A method calculates the area of the rectangle.
    func getArea()  -> Int  { 
        var area = self.width * self.height
        return area
The code using Rectangle class to create the object.
import Foundation 

func test_rectangle()  { 
    print("Create a Rectangle rec1"); 
    // Create Rectangle object
    // via default constructor: init()
    var rec1  = Rectangle() 
    // Print out width, height
    print("rec1.width = \(rec1.width)")
    print("rec1.height = \(rec1.height)")
    // Call the method to calculate the area.
    var area1 = rec1.getArea() 
    print("area1 = \(area1)") 
    print("Create a Rectangle rec2");
    // Create Rectangle object
    // via contructor with 2 parameters: init(Int,Int)
    var rec2 = Rectangle(width: 10, height: 15) 
    // Print out width, height
    print("rec2.width = \(rec2.width)")
    print("rec2.height = \(rec2.height)") 
    // Call the method to calculate the area.
    var area2 = rec2.getArea() 
    print("area2 = \(area2)") 
Edit main.swift to test this example.
import Foundation

Running the example:
Create a Rectangle rec1
rec1.width = 5
rec1.height = 10
area1 = 50
Create a Rectangle rec2
rec2.width = 10
rec3.height = 15
area2 = 150
Now you should see the explanation of the Class, it's very important.
What happens when you create an object by default contructor?
Create a Rectangle object by contructor with 2 parameters.

2. Rule to call Constructor

Rules for Swift 2.1 to call function, method, constructor:
  • First parameter pass to methods and functions should not have required argument labels.
  • Other parameters pass to methods and functions should have required argument labels.
  • All parameters pass to Constructors should have required argument labels.

3. Object Comparison operators

In Swift, when you create an object through Constructor will be a real entity is created in memory, it has a specified address.

An operator assigned AA object by an BB object does not create new entity on the memory, it's just pointing to address of AA to BB's address.
=== Operator used to compare two objects that is pointing to, it returns true if the two objects refer to the same address in memory. Operators !== is used to compare the two addresses of two objects that is pointing to, it returns true if the two objects that point to two different addresses.
import Foundation

func identifyOperator()    {
    // Create object: r1
    var r1 = Rectangle(width: 20,height: 10)
    // Create object: r2
    var r2 = Rectangle(width: 20,height: 10)
    var r3 = r1
    var  b12:Bool =   r1 === r2
    var  b13:Bool =   r1 === r3
    print("r1 === r2 ?  \(b12)") // false
    print("r1 === r3 ?  \(b13)") // true
    var bb12: Bool = r1 !== r2
    var bb13: Bool = r1 !== r3
    print("r1 !== r2 ?  \(b12)") // true
    print("r1 !== r3 ?  \(b13)") // false
Running the example:
r1 === r2 ? false
r1 === r3 ? true
r1 !== r2 ? false
r1 !== r3 ? true