
Using Android Device File Explorer

  1. Device File Explorer
  2. Copying a file from Android to the computer
  3. Copying a file from the computer to an Android device

1. Device File Explorer

Device File Explorer is a tool of Android Studio which allows you to explore files on Android devices (including virtual Android devices), and helps you copy files from your computer to an Android device and vice versa.
Note: Device File Explorer tool has been introduced to Android Studio since version 3.1, whereas older versions use a similar tool, Android Device Monitor:
To explore your Android device with the Device File Explorer tool, make sure your device has the "USB Debugging" enabled:
To open the Device File Explorer window, in Android Studio, select:
  • View / Tool Windows / Device File Explorer
The files and folders of the Android Emulator are viewed on Device File Explorer.
The files and folders of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2016) are viewed on Device File Explorer.

2. Copying a file from Android to the computer

To copy a file from Android to the computer, right-click on the file on the Device File Explorer window you want to copy and select "Save As":

3. Copying a file from the computer to an Android device

To copy a file from your computer to an Android device, right-click on the destination folder on Device File Explorer and select Upload:
After that, select the files or folders on the computer that you want to copy.

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