
Java Functional Interface Tutorial with Examples

  1. Functional Interface
  2. Examples
  3. Common Functional Interfaces ​​​​​​

1. Functional Interface

Functional Interface is a new concept introduced in Java since version 8, which is an interface with only one abstract method. Lambda expressions are often used to quickly create an object of a Functional Interface.
Here is a Functional Interface, with a single abstract method:
package org.o7planning.ex;

public interface Greeting {

  String greeting(String name);
  default String hello(String name) {
      return "Hello " + name;
If an interface is designed for the purpose of a functional interface, you should use @FunctionalInterface annotation to annotate it. Although this is not required, it makes it easier for others to understand your design idea. It also assists compiler to report your errors during application development. For example, compiler will flag error if there is an interface annotated by @FunctionalInterface but has more than one abstract method.
package org.o7planning.ex;

public interface Greeting {

  String greeting(String name);
  default String hello(String name) {
      return "Hello " + name;
Continue with the above example. Before Java 8, to create a Greeting object you had to create a class and then implement Greeting's abstract method, which is quite verbose.
package org.o7planning.ex;

public class UsingGreetingBeforeJ8 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create Greeting object:
        Greeting obj = new Greeting() {
            public String greeting(String name) {
                return "Hi " + name;
Basically, Functional Interface includes only 1 abstract method, so you only need to implement this method. Java 8 Lambda Expression helps you to rewrite the previous example more concisely.
package org.o7planning.ex;

public class UsingGreetingJ8A {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create Greeting object with Lambda expression:
        Greeting obj = (String name) -> {
            return "Hi " + name;
Datatypes of the parameters in Greeting's abstract method are known, so there's no need to rewrite them. We can rewrite the previous example more succinctly:
Greeting obj = (name) -> {
    return "Hi " + name;
If abstract method has only one parameter, you probably don't need parentheses () in Lambda expression:
Greeting obj = name -> {
    return "Hi " + name;
If the method's contents consist of only one expression, you may not need braces {} nor need to write keyword "return".
Greeting obj = name ->  "Hi " + name;
Finally, code of previous example is much shorter:
package org.o7planning.ex;

public class UsingGreetingJ8 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create Greeting object with Lambda expression:
        Greeting obj = name ->  "Hi " + name;

Hi Tran
Hello Tran

2. Examples

Next, we will look at some Functional Interface(s) including valid and invalid, and explain why they are invalid:
The following IEquals interface is not a functional interface because the method "public boolean equals (Object)" is a member inherited from Object class. Thus IEquals is considered to have no abstract methods and is ineligible for a functional interface. (Invalid!)
package org.o7planning.j8fi;

public interface IEquals {
   boolean equals(Object other);
Valid: (OK, Valid!)
package org.o7planning.j8fi;

public interface IComparator<T> {

    int compareTwoObject(T obj, T other);
    boolean equals(Object other);
clone() method of Object class is protected (Not public). Therefore the following IWithClone interface is considered a valid functional interface. (OK, Valid)
package org.o7planning.j8fi;

public interface IWithClone {  
     Object clone();
CC interface in the above illustration is a valid functional interface because abstract methods that it inherits from AA and BB are the same.

3. Common Functional Interfaces ​​​​​​

Here are some of the most widely used functional interfaces in Java:

Java Basic

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